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Blind Football: Nonato’s goal made the day in Santiago 2023

Date: November 21, 2023

Category: Blind football

Day 3 of the Blind Football tournament in the Para PanAmerican Games – Santiago 2023 started the best way possible. Nonato’s single goal in Brazil’s victory over Colombia was a piece of art!

It was the first tough test for the five-time Paralympic champion squad, with both teams unbeaten until today. The first half was very balanced, but the best was saved for last.

Three minutes before the final whistle, in a free kick outside the Colombian defensive area, Ricardinho put the ball on the left side, where Nonato was waiting next to the back line. The Brazilian star just had to adjust the movement and, with a powerful kick, gave no chances to the Colombian goalkeeper.

The Brazilian victories have been in short numbers, but the performances are solid rock.

Chile secured its second victory over Peru, but the goals also came late in the match. The first, scored by Esteban Campos, was in the middle of the second half. The Chilean team’s captain, Victor Hugo Silva, also scored a few seconds before the final whistle.

Argentina, facing Mexico, got the job done easier. In the first half, the current world champions were already winning by 2-0. Maximiliano Espinillo (who else?) scored the first, and Mario Rios took care of the rest with three goals. One in the first half, and the other two in the second half.

Tomorrow it is time to have a break in the Blind Football tournament, but on Wednesday it is time for the most expected match of all time in the South American region, no matter what sport. Brazil meets Argentina!

Check out the results of the day and the schedule for the stage on Wednesday (CET, local time -4):

Monday, 20th
Brazil vs Colombia: 1-0
Chile vs Peru: 2-0
Argentina vs Mexico: 4-0

Wednesday, 22nd
8 p.m. – Chile vs Colombia
10 p.m. – Brazil vs Argentina
12 a.m. – Peru vs Mexico

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