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President’s blog: WBU meeting

Date: July 8, 2023

Category: General

I met online with the World Blind Union’s appointed liaison with IBSA, Vice-President, Yaw Debra from Ghana together with his CEO Marc Workman.

His appointment and this relationship dates back to 2013. But over the past ten years, this partnership has not been active enough, it has not been backed up by specific joint projects that would serve to develop the sport of the blind and identify gifted athletes.

I promised World Blind Union (WBU) that I would change all that as I see WBU and their network around the world as a key source to help drive IBSA‘s future development strategy of which a KPI will be to reach the most disadvantaged blind and VI communities. I invited Yaw to attend our World Games and to continue the dialogue about the nature of our relationship but this time reinforced by a programme of mutually beneficial activities.

Marc Workman commented that he believed the Stakeholder and Partner Committee I promised in Fatima might have some far reaching benefits for the blind and VI community at large. I’m resolved that as we move forward with our reforms that IBSA will not enter into arrangements or MOUs with parties simply as a paper collection exercise.

Every such agreement must be underpinned with a clear set of objectives, actions and anticipated outcomes and wherever possible timelines and the resources needed.

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