Goalball and football classification master lists updated
Date: November 30, 2015
Category: Football
IBSA has released up-to-date classification master lists for goalball and football.
The lists include information on all IBSA licensed and classified athletes in the sports, and form the basis of the classification process for all major tournaments, including the Paralympic Games.
Click on the link above or here to view or download the Goalball classification master list.
Click on the link above or here to view or download the Football classification master list.
IPC has announced a zero-classification policy for the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games next September. This means that all countries entering blind or partially sighted athletes for Rio must ensure all their athletes have undergone sight classification prior to the games.
To be eligible to compete in Rio, athletes must have confirmed status or review status 2017 or later. Athletes with review status 2016 will not be allowed to compete.
IBSA will be offering several opportunities for athletes to be classified in the run-up to the Rio games. For more information contact the IBSA Medical Director at [email protected].